Garden Gnomes Statue, Carnivorous Flower Massacre, Great for Outdoor Indoor Patio and Lawn Decoration
Both carnivorous flower and gnome is not exist in the real world.In this product,we combined these two together.What do you think?Hope you love it….
BigMouth Inc. Sasquatch the Gnome Wrecker Garden Statue
Trampling through a garden near you! When you’re 9 feet tall and 700 lbs, its easy to disregard the snap and crunch of gnome bones under your feet. When Sasquatch-aka the Gnome Wrecker-comes to your g…
Dino the Gnome Eating Dinosaur – Designed and Hand Painted by Twig & Flower
GARDEN GNOMES BEWARE – DINO THE DINOSAUR GNOME EATER IS HERE to keep all those pesky Garden Gnomes in Their Place! In fact, Dino is all that the Garden Gnomes we’ve spoken to can talk about. Their Sca…